Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Write Routines

Hi everyone!

It has been a busy summer and, aside from some classwork I have been tackling through the University of South Dakota and the occasional Facebook post, I haven't made a lot of time for writing.

Have you?

Think about your writing habits for a minute. How often do you spend writing each week?

What form does your writing typically take (text, email, social media or the ol' fashioned pen & paper)?

Where do you typically write (in a dark, dank, cavernous basement with a single light bulb dangling from the ceiling or outside under a tree on a warm summer day)?

When do you like to write (early in the morning while the day is still young, in study hall when you are avoiding your homework, or at night as a way to unwind after a long day)?

The following link gives three easy steps to developing a writing routine: The Write Routine

Take a look and get typing!

Here is my office for today

"A student without a blog is a student without a voice" -@coolcatteacher